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Old 05-03-2013, 06:38 PM   #23 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Caiden Denholm
Fifth Year
x1 x2
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Christmas smiled at Daichi and nodded and said "Yeah i did see him Daichi he was very weird indeed i didn't like him"
Daichi chuckled and leaned back in his seat. He was glad to be out of the train. "Glad to know i'm not the only one who didn't like him" he said. "I mean, i didn't even know we were supposed to have a ticket, no one told me that!" which frustrated him because once again, he looked dumb in front of the other students. And he was supposed to be a leader! "Did you have a train ticket?" he asked.

Originally Posted by Aryary View Post
Galena stepped off the express, lugging her trunk and rat cage which was in serious need of repairs.

Through the hustle and bustle she heard that all first years must go to the boats and second to third years should proceed towards the carriages.
Since Galena was a third year, she followed the other students her age.
Unfortunately, it was her first year at Hogwarts so she wanted to ask and make sure she were using the right transportation. She scanned the area for a teacher or somebody who looked like a prefect. One older boy looked like her might be the right person "Excuse me" she said, hopping onto the carriage.

She'd better get her information quick before the carriage took off with her, what if she were in the wrong place? "It is my first year here, but I'm not eleven like they are" she pointed to the group of firsties "should I be taking the carriage or the boats?"
First year at Hogwarts? Daichi straightened up immediately , his Prefect badge glinting proudly in the moon light. His brown eyes watched the young girl as she climbed in the carriage and he scooted over a little to give her more space.

"You can stay here" he answered her question after a moment of thinking and placed his school bag on his lap. His duck plushy Mr.Duckles was as always hidden inside it. "My name is Daichi Katharos, one of the Prefects in the school and this is Christmas" he said and waved a hand to the other girl.
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