Ravenclaw Common Room The Ravenclaw Common Room is one of the airiest rooms at Hogwarts. You have to climb a tight spiral staircase to get to the beautiful room. It is a wide, circular room with midnight blue carpet, arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks, and a domed ceiling painted with stars and various constellations. It is located at the top of the seventh floor and the door to enter doesn't have a doorknob or keyhole, but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. In order to enter the room, a person must answer a riddle asked by the eagle knocker; if they answer incorrectly, they must wait for someone else who gets it right.
During the day, Ravenclaw students have an excellent view of the school grounds, including the lake, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch, Herbology gardens and the surrounding mountains. There is a small fireplace in one corner with a few couches surrounding it. The room is furnished with tables, chairs, and bookcases; and by the door leading up to the dormitories stands a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble. A delicate looking circlet has been reproduced in marble on her head with the tiny words, 'Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure' etched into the intricate diadem. Past students claim that the sound of wind whistling around the windows of the tower is very relaxing while going to sleep or studying for classes.
When you first enter the Common Room, you are flanked on both sides with two huge bookshelves. These shelves are full of books from former students and professors. The books have a new layer of dust on them. They are charmed to never leave the Common Room Area. Just past each bookshelf can be found a few Study Tables. These tables are here for you to work on homework or ask questions of fellow housemates about homework. One of the tables is leaning slightly after the summer break. The right leg is a little loose. But, unlike what the other houses think, there is always time for fun for Ravenclaws. Various board and card games can be found on the bottom shelf of one of the bookcases. Feel free to play games on the Study Tables, as well, but only once you are done with your homework. In the midst of all of the Study Tables, are two announcement boards, the Diadem and the Eagle's Nest. The Diadem is used to post announcements about class meeting times and homework assignments. The Eagle's Nest is where you can find all of the news from Hogwarts.
In the middle of the room is a seating area with a couple of couches and armchairs that the Head of House, Professor Cerulean, has charmed with a cushioning charm to make them extra comfy. On the far end of the circular-ish shaped room is a fireplace surrounded by Blue beanbag pillows and four couches. This is a popular area to lounge at and make friends or to just sit and read or work on homework. Be careful as you plop down of you may get chocked by the dust as it flies in the air.
On both sides of the fireplace are the famous arched windows. You can see all over the grounds and school from this vantage point. Feel free to take a seat on the cushioned window sills to work. The windows haven't been cleaned in a while so it is a little foggy and hard to look out.
To the far right of the room is the beautiful statue of Rowena Ravenclaw with her infamous diadem. Keep an eye near her statue because the ghost is known to visit the Common Room and her favorite area to float is near the statue of herself.
Just past the statue is the staircase leading to the dormitories. The staircase splits at the top. The left side leads to the Girls Dorms and the right side leads to the Boys Dorms. Remember that each has been enchanted to insure that you don't venture up the wrong side.
Once answering the logical riddle at the entrance, come in, take a look around, have a seat and make new friends! WELCOME TO RAVENCLAW!!!