Originally Posted by
Mister Akumu
Mister Akumu, the brand spankin' new ticket collector for the Hogwarts Express, stood in the front car of the red train. Face completely expressionless, the man held his hat upside down in front of him, keeping his eyes on the door to WATCH the kids as the poured in.
And there he stood. Waiting. Silently.
As Forrest was able to breath more properly (though tears still rolled down his face) he walked a little towards the inside of the train to find himself an empty compartment as he peeked at every window to look at his family. It was his fifth step inside the train when he
almost bumped into a figure taller than him. He gasped lightly and tore his eyes off the window reluctantly to look at what he had almost crashed into.
A man to collect ticket.
In his panic, he let go of the holder of his wheel-bag without balancing it on its wheels and legs and it fell heavily on its back, the holder scratching his bare leg. He gasped again as something like
'Stupid!' was heard. He couldn't even check on his leg though (but it sure hurt a lot!) and started to look inside his pockets. He heard a few students behind him too and he panicked further, at the very verge of breaking down again. Where had he put it? Did he even take it anyway? He'd simply taken it for granted that if he was able to see the train, he would be a natural passenger anyway, but it only hit him now that probably every wizard could see it and they would sure need a ticket.
After a few tears rolling down his cheeks and a few forgotten Muggle coins falling on the ground, he found the paper intact in the pocket he'd searched for
three times before. Giggling a little crazily out of adrenaline, he thrust it towards the man's chest and looked at his face with
a maniac happiness.