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Good she opened up first. Amara nodded as Fro sat across her and addressed Natasha. The girl did seem a bit shy by what she understood from their first meet. She noticed the little bundle Fro carried.
OH, White bundle.
White cat? Really? She glanced at Amara and grimaced.
"You're cat?" she asked. Obviously. "What do you call it?" Something pretty, again?
Aphrodite turned towards Amara who asked about her beloved cat, "Her name is
Iris," she said with a smile, "this is from Aidan and Alex," she added. "Looks like you also have a pet cat, what's his name?" she asked, stroking the black cat ears.
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Laura was walking along the corridor when she suddenly saw Aphrodite, she stuck her head into the compartment. "Everything alright Aphrodite?" Laura smiled as she looked at the other girls who were in the compartment, she hoped that they wouldn't mind her interrupting but ever since Aphrodite had bumped into her, Laura wanted to make sure that the younger girl was alright.
Laura stood in the doorway not knowing if they would mind her sitting with them or if they would want to talk about the excitement of Hogwarts, they all looked like first year, it totally reminded Laura of her first train ride to Hogwarts she totally couldn't sit still or anything and now here she was starting her fifth year and at the end of the year she would be doing her OWLS which was annoying her but they had to come around eventually and this was her turn.
Laura had sort of gone into a daydream there and giggled when she realized. "Sorry about that I just got thinking." Laura smiled and then decided to introduce herself to the others. "I'm Laura Hope Hyde, Fou..." Laura stopped. "I mean I'm Laura Hope Hyde, Fifth Year, Hufflepuff." Laura would never be used to this. "If you ever need anything just come and find me and I'll try and help." Laura was going to be nice this term.
When they bumped to each other, Aphrodite could not say much because Father had approached her and she should on the Hogwarts Express. Because it felt bad to Laura and her friend, Aphrodite promised to look them in the compartment or at Hogwarts later to say hello and apologize for having to go by in a hurry. When Aphrodite met with Laura as she looked up into the compartment which she occupied, she is very happy. Even she told her to sit in this compartment. "Hi Laura! I'm fine, it's just almost hit Natasha now wants to enter the compartment. I almost crashed into people twice today," she said, smiling at her.""I was bumped into her until both of us fall when I was looking for Father, Amara" Aphrodite explained why she could get to know Laura.