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Troy making his grand debut in the Hogwarts Express for the first time! Rummaging through his pocket he searched for the ticket that would allow him to board this magical ride. He was quite nervous more like extremely nervous since this was his first time, but not his time being around people.
Making his way he spotted the ticket collector standing in the front car, doing what his job obviously consisted of: collecting tickets. Troy approached the ticket collector who seemed sort of like a statue, motionless and quiet.
"Ticket." Troy held up his ticket, he scanned his surroundings. Very alert, young lad.
He watched this one carefully as the ticket was offered to him, not accepting it right away but instead leaning over to peer into the boy's eyes for several long and uncomfortable seconds. Without another word, the man swiped the ticket, punched it, and shoved it back in the boy's face.
Take. It.
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Skip, skip, hoorah! Skip, skip, hoorah!
Fiiiiiiinally. No parents. Just her and Thor, her trusty kneazle. Peyton jubilantly skipped her way to the train and stopped when she saw a MAN. What was a MAN doing here? She didn't remember the MAN last term. Had she unintentionally snuck in to the Hogwarts Express without knowing?
Then she saw Ariana and...the MAN was chasing her. "Mister! I got my tiiiicket," she said with a GRIN, and waved it in the air. "Oh, and that's Ariana. She's cool." Not like she was some Durmstrang barbarian sneaking into the train. FYI.
Cool was not in Mister Akumu's vocabulary and the continued blank expression on his face showed this.
Snatching the ticket from the girl, he punched it as well and thrust it back in her face.
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Charely Potter
Wade first boarded the train, he didn't recognize the man who stood at attention.. Ah, must be new. If it wasn't for the uniform.. Heh, Wade smirked at the thought that had came to him as he took out his ticket that had been in his pants pocket.
As calmly as possible, Wade walked up to the gentleman. "Hello," Showing his ticket, before asking quite seriously. "are you selling treats as well, sir?" Just incase the food trolley just happened to move up here.
Ticket," he said in an icy tone while pronouncing each syllable with equally chilling precision.
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Minding her own business. thats all she was really doing. just minding her own business for onve and goibg to find a suitable compartment to occupy. she took a bite out. Of her cupcake when she noticed she was being.....
By the creepy guy from the front door she assumed was a statue or something "bloody hell!" she said jumping and turning around quickly to adress the person who was so rudelyyyyyy yelling at her... "it helps if you say please or excuse me or something. she told the man as she held onto her ticket in her hand in front of the guy as if taunting or teasing him in a way ...
She licked the icing on her cupcake once more as she looked at the man.
His eyes narrowed, honing in on the girl.
Ticket," he repeated, his tone agitated as he just stood there waiting for her her to hand the ticket over with his palm facing up.
He would not repeat himself again.