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Old 04-27-2013, 06:03 PM
Anna Banana Anna Banana is offline
Default The Office of Professor Peyton Barlow

OOC :: Please click here first to see a diagram of Professor
Barlow's hut. This way, you'll know where your character is RPing.

Professor Barlow has spent the summer doing quite a bit of rearranging in the hut she'll now call her home. The main difference is that she's separated her personal living quarters from her office, although both are still inside the hut.

There are now two entrances to the hut: one that leads to her personal living quarters and another that leads only to her office. If you're a student, you'll be entering through the door that leads only to her office, which means you probably won't get the privilege of seeing the other parts of the hut. After all, this is how you visit all the other professors, right?

The office itself isn't very big, but Professor Barlow has charmed it to appear to be a reasonable size. There are no barn animals or winged horses in here, and the office looks quite similar to what you'd expect of most other offices. There's a desk for Professor Barlow, as well as another chair for any visitors that may stop by. There's a bookcase, a filing cabinet, a few indoor plants, and a wall full of personal pictures. All in all, the place is, in a sense, decorated nicely, and you can tell the place has what they call a 'woman's touch'.

So if you can't seem to find the new Care of Magical Creatures professor outside and with the animals, try your luck with the office. Peyton is an outdoors-type person, but who knows? She just might be inside.