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Huh? What's wrong? Did he not like being called as Prefect? Then, why did he introduce himself as prefect? Christina preferred to call him Prefect rather than his name, because her father said that calling someone by his/her position meant respect for him/her and she respected him as Prefect. Well, she still didn't know if she would be in Slytherin like her father.
Christina just pay attention to her hot dog and she didn't realized that Daichi sat next to her. Well, it wasn't bad, right? It meant that she would have friend to talk. Sitting alone here like strangers was boring. "Oh, you don't buy something to eat?" Suddenly she asked. He looked.. a bit hungry actually. So, why didn't he buy food since here was the place for buying them. Hmmm..
"I saw you standing over here and thought i'd say hi"
So, he just came here because he saw her and wanted to say hi? How sweet, huh? Christina just smiled at him. Being a new student sometimes was uncomfortable, and she said like this because she'd experienced many times. Could she say that even before the school term officially started, she'd already gotten a friend and he's a Prefect? Proud Christina was proud. Hehehe. "Hmm...." Why did he really want to know about which country she had visited.. "I was born in Australia." She said. "Then my father moved back to Korea, his hometown. When I was five then he asked us to move to Japan, then France... Then here!" She grinned. Yeah, she had traveled to many countries even she was just fourteen. Thanks to her ambassador-father.
When Christina asked why he didn't buy something to eat he shrugged his shoulders.
"Don't have money" and then he realized what he had said and felt that his cheeks began to blush
"i-mean-i-don't-have-it-with-me-right-now!" he said in a hurried lie.
Born in Australia? Wow! The Slytherin had thought that she was from Asia. Because of her appearance but then again, even Daichi was born and raised in England. He listened to which countries she had been to and his mind traveled to his mother who had been a Korean as well.
"My mum was a Korean too" he mumbled before the topic went to France.
"I've been to France last summer for a vacation!" he said,rather excitedly and could just stop his arms from flailing up and down. He was a seventh year now!
"We went to the eiffeltower! You've been there as well? And we've been rafting in Gorgie du veson or something (gorge du verdon)" he liked that vacation.