Thread: The Stands
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Old 12-28-2012, 07:55 AM
feeheeheeny feeheeheeny is offline
Default The Stands

As you reach any entrance to the stands, a golden turnstile magically materializes out of thin air to effectively block your path. You cannot go around the turnstile and using magic on them will not have the slightest effect. If you wish to enter the stands, you need to pay a flat fee of 5 galleons for adults and alumni and 2 galleons for students to get in. Insert the money into the hole on top of the turnstile; the turnstile will then unlock and will allow you to pass through and climb the stairs to the stands...

...Welcome to the stands!

Grab a front-row seat in the house section of your choice and cheer on the House Quidditch teams as they battle for the Quidditch Cup!

Please remember to follow the school rules; rule-breakers will be punished by means of house point loss and/or detention.