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Old 04-26-2013, 03:28 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Benjamin forced a smile. "You could say that..." he said, somewhat cagily. Wow wow, Gary had been busy in Diagon Alley, hadn't he? He rubbed the nape of his neck, before running his fingers through his hair - unknowingly fluffing it up. Or, at least, fluffing it up more than his wipe out had already done. Really, he was considering the pros cons of revealing quite how he knew Garrick. Though curiosity got the better of him in some ways. "As in the firewhiskey?" he asked, wondering if he'd got the heir thing in there yet.

Yup, there was cousin rivalry going on here. Even if, underneath, he and Garrick did actually get on quite well. In fact, though Benjamin wouldn't admit it, Garrick made his family bearable.

"Charmed to meet you, Alexa Cambridge," he said, taking a leaf out of his cousin's book. Anything you can do, I can do better...right? "What brought you to this side of the station?"
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