For once in her lifetime as a Hogwarts student,
Katrina Hudson was actually feeling a bit weird. She was new to this, being a student leader. Receiving an owl with her badge was something she did not except at all. Her family members were proud of her and she was a hundred percent sure that her father would've been much more proud of her than anyone in the family. Kat missed him a lot, of course, but she kept it in her mind to let go and move on with what life has to offer her. She was pretty excited about knowing she would be a Prefect for her house The Slytherin Prefect (in denial) dragged and pushed her trunk to Kings Cross and looked around.
Gosh it was weird having to wear a Prefect badge.
Kat bid her goodbye to her sister and her nephew, Gale, before setting out to go pass the Platform. By the look on the children's faces in here, Kat knew there were firsties. She watched as one of them went passed the barrier. Who knows, maybe one of them would soon be her
minion ickle Slytherin follower. Dismissing the thought, Kat made her way to the wall connecting the Muggle world to the Wizarding world. She wouldn't be seeing this place until June next year.