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Old 04-26-2013, 04:52 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun View Post
"I guess..." Well at least she seemed to think that him being a second year was better than him being a firstie judging by the smirk turning to a smile.

Did everyone have this idea about the houses? "So...if I get into another house does that make me some evil being that shouldn't exist?" he asked raising an eyebrow slightly in her direction. "If the paranoia my dad has is any sign of what Slytherin house does to a person I think I'll pass. Though him being an Auror probably has more to do with that than anything else I guess. But what's wrong with the other houses? I heard the Ravenclaws are the smartest. I've still no idea what a Hufflepuff is though..."
Snorting she shook her head "No, everyone gets sorted into the house they belong. I just think Slytherin's the best, but I'm partial to that." Tilting her head curiously at his words. "Paranoia? Really? I haven't seen that in the time I was there. No paranoia, that I know of anyway. Yes, Ravenclaws are the smartest, Gryffindors are the bravest and Hufflepuff's well they...according to auntie, their just puffers, who give hugs to random people."

"Auror you say?" Hmmm, nice! She'd never actually met an auror, that she knew of. And here she'd seen an auror and not even known it! "That's awesome!"