sugary sweet Evil Pastry Lady
Back of the train...that was safe right? Man if he kept this up people would stay away from him because they'd think he was weird. He looked behind him to find his father walking casually through the wall and rolled his eyes. Warren, his hands still in his pockets walked onto the platform and looked down at his son. "If you need anything don't hesitate to owl us." He let a smile come on his face and placed his hand on Jame's shoulder. "Do try to stay out of trouble. If you get in trouble here I can't save you from the professor's or your mother's wrath."
James nodded and hesitating for a second wrapped both his arms around his father in a hug. "I'll stay safe. I promise." He said knowing that was his father's real worry. He didn't know everything about his father's past but his mum had told him some things which made him understand why his father acted the way he did at times. Warren nodded and hugged his son back. "I've got to go save the world," he said jokingly, well half jokingly. Kneeling down to his sons height he smiled fondly then ruffled his hair and walked back through the archway to head to work.
James sighed and watched as his father left and looked around. Great. Not a single soul he knew since his brother wasn't going here.