Originally Posted by
Harold Lagerty
Another drink? "Why not? It's my stuff, eh?" Hops took the bottle and poured more into his glass and a very tiny bit into Erik's surprisingly still-filled glass. "Drink up, you're no match to Saul, that's for sure." His friend the owner of the shop down the street was a good Firewhiskey buddy.
"It's Gringott's so yeah. There aren't any dragons if that's what you mean. I haven't seen any at least. Basically you just have to have the Goblin open the Vault. If a person touches that door they're likely to get sucked right in and left there." The Board Treasurer missed the last bit about the students.
"Vhy not," Erik agreed, not caring to ask who Saul was. Or why he should bother finishing his drink, when he wasn't even partial to the hot stuff.
He might take another sip if it made Hops drink though. The man needed to forget that this conversation ever occurred. He picked up his firewhiskey and dangled it loosely from two fingers, as though he were going to have a drink. Instead he was listening intently to the information on how to get into a vault...the right way.
"Interesting," Erik said simply.
"Do you know anyvone who's done that?"