Originally Posted by
Harold Lagerty
Erik seemed very interested and whatever was in his drink had Hops singing like a canary. How did they work alongside? "The usual Vinteren. Oh but you're foreign so I guess you might not know. The Goblin Quazi is alright, she is." She had actually come to the Broomsticks a few times; not a big fan of butterbeer if he remembered.
"You're right! I would say that some of those kids wouldn't notice if Albus Dumbledore himself was resurrected right in the middle of dinner." He certainly would have caught that back in his days of being a Hufflepuff.
"Vould you like another drink, Hops?" Erik reached around the bar anyway and quickly found the bottle of firewhiskey. He wasn't too fond of the spicy drink but it had been what Hops had preferred...and he might need some motivation to keep talking. So Erik placed the bottle nice and close to the treasurer's hand.
"Forgive my confusion," he added in a murmur. Quazi. Okay...
"Is Vault 713 very secure vhen?" he put on an air of innocence and cuirosity.
"I've never been to Gringotts, but I vould haff thought the school vas the safest place to store someving..." Not that he was arguing with you, Hops. Easy now.
Erik laughed at that comment too.
"Exactly, hah. Vhey are all too busy vith vheir little dramas and soap operas." Teenagers.