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She was in a fine mood this evening. They had won, so she had a reason to be. Ivy leaned back in her chair, a rather content expression on her face.
Her head turned back to look at Erik. Hmmm, what did that make him. Certainly not her king. Another smirk rose on her lips. "The queen's arm candy, of course." Heh. She was teasing of course. Or was she?
He'd been expecting an answer more along the lines of another type of royalty, but arm candy...well, Erik could only laugh at that.
"As you vish," he shrugged lightly with a knowing smirk to himself.
Ivy was so in denial about how kingly he was... Quote:
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Nolan Reynolds was on cloud nine. He KNEW he'd be a great fit for the board, and all his hard work had paid off! And he'd done it almost entirely by himself, Sadine had helped a great deal in the end but he'd climbed the long mountain by himself until she came along.
Now he was super excited to get to know everyone on the board with him. He hoped there would be no hard feelings - after all, it was politics, right?
"Ivy, Erik," he said with a grin as he walked up and greeted his fellow successful candidates. "Congratulations! Excited to get started?" he asked.
And then the other candidates started rolling in. Reynolds naturally had to be one of the first. No surprises there, except for the astonishing fact that he had been elected at all.
"Reynolds," Erik returned the greeting with a cool nod.
"Of course. I am looking forvard to finally being able to haff an impact on Hogwarts...and you?" Quote:
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It felt great to be here. It really did.
Atticus had never been one hundred percent certain that he would even make it this far - he had certainly hoped so, but one could never be completely assured of the guarantee. But he had made it, and he was very grateful. Grateful and excited to begin working with everyone.
As he approached the table, he offered a friendly smile and "Hello" to them all, but as it seemed all his fellow governors were in the middle of conversations, he didn't try to press further. No need to be rude, right? Yes. So he simply quietly took his seat.
"Good evening," Erik greeted the other, quieter new Governor. Aldredge was all right in his books. So far.