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Old 12-16-2012, 01:20 PM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default the Office of Professor Flamsteed

Perhaps the first thing you notice as you enter Professor Flamsteed's office is that it is...clean. Ridiculously clean. While he is not exactly obsessive compulsive about cleanliness, Professor Flamsteed highly values organization and keeps everything in a specific location. Needless to say, if one of his quills is at an odd angle ... he will notice. The wood cabinets above his desk are filled with all sorts of reference books on all branches astronomy on the left side while the right side is filled with works of muggle science fiction ranging from Douglas Adams to H.G. Wells to Robert Heinlein and everyone in between. His desk is mostly empty except for some black accents and a comfortable looking pink pillow.

On the walls are a few framed pieces of abstract line and paint splatter artwork that Professor Flamsteed has collected over the years along with a drawing given to him by a student in a black frame. There is a black sofa up against one of the walls with a pet house on the floor beside it where Pebbles sleeps when not on the pink pillow on the desk. To the right of the black sofa and is a wooden closet, SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than the one from last term, where Professor Flamsteed keeps a few freshly pressed suits from his extensive collection, just in case, and to the left of this is a rather impressive looking tie display case. Located opposite of Professor Flamsteed's desk is yet another display case, but this one is filled with all sorts of muggle science fiction models that he has built and painted himself - a hobby of his when he is not busy teaching, grading, or researching. However, the number of these models present is about half the number there were last term.

OOC: please do not post here without having been invited in by Professor Flamsteed from the waiting area or else risk your post being unceremoniously deleted.