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Old 12-16-2012, 02:08 PM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default The Seating Area Outside Professor Flamsteed's Office

Several comfortable looking black leather sofa chairs await you in the small nook outside of Professor Flamsteed's office. Since the Astronomy professor keeps his door shut at all times, you will need to knock if you wish to speak with him. It would be futile to attempt enter without permission since the professor has placed certain enchantments on his door. Attempting to break in or open the door without permission will only result in your eyebrows turning bright green and for curly bright pink hair to grow out of your ears and down to your knees. While you wait to be invited in, why not read the latest issue of one of the many astronomy magazines stacked neatly on the wooden coffee table? StarDate Observer or Meteorite Mementos anyone?

OOC: Please post in this thread FIRST, by having your character knock on the door. When the professor is ready to invite you in, I will post here letting you know and then you can post in the office. You may RP with friends here, but please try to keep the chit chat to a minimum. Thank you!