Originally Posted by
He got a thanks, and then a challenge, so Mo couldn't this exchange as a positive one. He grinned broadly at Alice, even through the ice cream in his hair and the little Ravenclaw he was trying to pin down with his own manly strength. Rawr.
"Bet I taste pretty good right now, though. Just saying," Mo shook ice cream out of his eyes like a wet dog coming through a puddle, and then he grinned at Alice again. "I know you get to sit in the prefect car on the train, but you should sit with me instead. Will you?"
"I bet you do, too." And Alice would have tested to see if he
did taste good if there weren't people surrounding them on all sides. Why were there so many people around, anyway? Half of them weren't even Gryffindors, and she was sure they were there for the sole purpose of taking her food. And that was not right, obviously.
She leaned away from the ice cream Mo was shaking off and grinned back at him.
"Prefect car's not that great. And I can always find Selina later, anyway." Because cacti were the priority, obviously. Obviously.
Originally Posted by
Mhmmm, right, because she was so going to believe that. Whatever was over there CLEARLY interested her more than the twelve year old ever could and she would have been even more offended but see, there was ice-cream so everything was fine. She nodded slowly at her, trying to convince herself that what Alice was saying was the complete truth. "Right, okay we won't talk about it then." She already agreed to help her pack later anyway so it wouldn't matter all that much...or well it shouldn't. "You gonna go to that ice-cream eating contest thing?"
"Let's not." Alice most definitely didn't want to talk about that. She fought the urge to glance over at the Slytherin table again and instead tried focusing on her ice cream.
"You have dessert in your hair, did you know?" Oh. And an eating contest.
"I'll go if Aireyhead here needs me to. But otherwise, I think I'll stay put. Watch you toss around food some more." Because this was INTERESTING.