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When the Headmissus gave the elvsies a special job to do, Argyle dropped her current task of scrubbing the kitchen floor and started preparations.
Ice cream. Ice cream for the studentsies at the feast! Argyle speedily filled lots and lots of bowls with the stuff, excited to hand it out.
STUDENTSIES! Argyle has ice cream, she does! Argyle has ice cream for studentsies' celebrations!
See this here? This was house unity or sommat like that. Mo dropped onto one of the benches and grinned at the Gryffindors nearby. Hello, favorite people. And person. And ice cream. Mo accepted the bowl (NOT A CONE??!?!?) and immediately put it down in front of Alice, even if she was all distracted and stuff. He wasn't too terribly demanding when it came to attention.
Another bowl, and this one went to Lex, because she was there and looked sort of... ignored. Which was sad.
Another bowl, which was his.
"Bet I can eat this faster than you," he nodded at Lex before lifting his spoon in salute.