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Old 04-09-2013, 03:25 AM   #98 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Mackled Malaclaw
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Join Date: May 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Annaliese Toussaint
First Year

x12 x12
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button

Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Christmas spotted Alice her captain talking to a few people and made her way over to Alice and said "Hey Alice i just want to thank you for the great term i had, it was fun playing on your team this year and i hope to try out again for you next year" Christmas liked Alice she had respect for her because of the biting of other qudditch players but she respected her captain a lot
"Christmas." Alice acknowledged her teammate with a nod, glad that she was already pulling together a team for next year. Because, you know, players were NECESSARY for Quidditch, but she already knew that some people, like Christmas, had skill on the pitch. So it was nice to see them ready for another season. "That's great! I loved having you on the team, and you should definitely try out again." Nod nod nod.

Food yet?

Text Cut: WHAT, LEX? *innocent*
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Alexa blinked at the girl. Always right? That was her Mama Vivi. Alice could be right too and if she was always agreeing with Vivi then she supposed she could always be was possible. Agreeing with Vivi was the easiest thing in the world. Alright. She'd let her have it, she could always be right--but the moment she said anything contrary to a Vivi!Belief she was going right back to being wrong. MHM. That being sorted through in her mind she dipped into her bag and pulled out a cauldron cake for her.


Helloooooo? Cauldron cake right heeeere NOT over there. EARTH TO ALICE! She spun just a little to see try seeing what she was seeing.


Lex. Was. Not. Amused.

When Alice finally started paying to her again she gave her a look before sticking the cauldron cake back in her bag. "I hope you have an eyeful 'cause that's as full as you'll get before the feast starts." Hmph! Ignoring her. Rude, just very ruuuuuuude. Now then, about finding her things. "I guess we can do that, but you have a shoddy attention span," CLEARLY, "so we'll summon them instead of looking." Worked faster that way too.

Alice was occupied, okay? She was busy watching certain people at certain tables for certain reasons, and Lex talking and shoving cake in her face did not help. She reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the Slytherins once again to look at Lex. "I don't want it. It's okay. You eat it." Because she was doing stuff here. Important stuff. Important staring stuff.

"Why're you looking at me all funny? Eyeful of what? I wasn't staring at anything." And she really wasn't. It wasn't something, it was someone. There was a difference. "My attention span is fine." See? Lex had her FULL attention now, honest. "Do you know the charm yet? If not, I can teach it to you real quick tonight after the feast."

Text Cut: Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina could just SEE the judgement in Alice's eyes at her lack of involvement with Aspen Odessa. And to be completely honest with herself, she was not afraid of Aspen, but provoking her for funsies was not at the top of her list either. So she did not interfer, but she was ABOUT to and that had to count for something, okay?

When Alice got super drama queen on her, Selina just laughed and pet her hair, "Somehow, Biter, I think you'll live." Besides, it was not like the feast would drone on forever... would it? Because, yeah, she did kind of want it to wind down as well. Ain't nobody got no time for that.

OH NO. Oh no, no, no, no, no. No way was Alice even TRYING, nay, ATTEMPTING to give her the puppy eyes. Yeah, okay, that was not going to work. Selina had nearly invented those eyes when she was Alice's age. The redhead didn't do it anymore because there was nothing cute about an eighteen year old doing it, but no. The eyes were not going to work.

She crossed her arms and said, "I'm not saying yes... but if I can lock him in a closet with enchantments.... we can TALK about it." Final offer.

"I'm FAMISHED. I'm going to COLLAPSE soon. You obviously do not get how empty my tummy is." Alice gave Selina more pointed looks as she turned away from her and Lex to glance at the Headmistress. Was she gonna TALK yet? That was taking forever. She needed food. "And I know when you say talk about it, you mean he can stay. You do, don't you?" More eyes. The sad ones, accompanied by the sad face, and the occasional bat of her lashes. Selina was totally gonna cave, okay? She knew it. Because ALICE was going to win. Obviously.


Alice totally ignored, like, everything else the Headmistress said because FOOD. She grinned at Penelope, the only person who could have possibly been as hungry as her, and dove for a bowl of ice cream. "The bottomless pit is about to be filled. Joy to the world." Was anyone not that hungry? Was Selina? Could she have her ice cream if she wasn't? Please? 'Cause she was awfully hungry. And maybe her sad eyes would work for that if not for other things.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________

__________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.

Last edited by lemon; 04-09-2013 at 03:32 AM.
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