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Old 04-08-2013, 11:46 PM   #93 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Rupert-Grint-Fan View Post
"Yeah? That's good to hear." Ronnie said with another smile. She twirled her bright orange hair around her finger as she thought about how her term had went. Well, it had gone by quite fast. It was weird to think next year would be her last year. She turned to Gwen. "Isn't it kinda crazy? How we're going to be seventh years next year?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. It felt like it had only been yesterday when Ronnie was on her first train ride to Hogwarts. . .

"Oh, I'm pretty good." she replied with a small nod. She was feeling a little sad about leaving always. It always felt a little bit sad at the end of term feast to her. Hogwarts was such an amazing place, it was always hard leaving it for the summer. She'd sure miss being around her friends all the time.


She shrugged at Gwen's next question. "I'm not too happy about leaving Hogwarts and all my close friends...but I am looking forward to spending a week in America around the middle of summer. That'll be fun." she said with a smile. She had never been anywhere other than her home and Hogwarts. She never really traveled much. "What about you?" she asked.

Ronnie jumped as someone slid next to her and said hello. She blinked at Natalie. Well, looks like someone wasn't being so shy anymore! She grinned, giving her friend a hug. "Hey, Natalie! Enjoy your term?" she asked.

"Sorry you didn't get a chance to meet Oliver, by the way. You can sit with me on the train and hold him if you like." she added with a small smile, knowing Natalie would probably love that.

She then noticed another Gryffindor whom she'd never spoken to before...or seen? She didn't really recognize him. He looked around her age. Maybe she'd seen him around a few times but never got the chance to meet him. Ah well...time to make a new friend!

She sat down next to the boy. "Hello there! I'm Ronnie." she said, stretching her hand out towards him to shake.
Natalie hugged Ronnie back, deciding that she liked the feeling. "The term was surprisingly good. I made a lot of friends!!" she added happily. "And the professors are really nice too!" It must have been the feast vibe, but Tally was feeling super excited.
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