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Old 04-08-2013, 04:19 PM   #74 (permalink)
Quick Quotes Quill

ADFC Challenge Winner
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander Montgomery
First Year


SPOILER!!: Cassia
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Cassia beamed at her friend. "France! That is very cool," the third-year gushed. "If you do, you need to tell me everything you did and saw there!" Because Gwen just had to! And since Cassia wasn't going to do anything she could at least be excited about her friends' plans? "Send photos too," She added. Because words without photos were just meeh.

"As for me, I do not have ANY plans," How many times had she said this in the past fifteen minutes..A lot. And it still felt sad. Because it sounded lame. "I'll be probably spending it at the town with my brother and family," Which was fun but not like going to France! "We'll meet at Diagon Alley though, right?" She asked because it'd be fun!

Gwendolyn was really looking forward to this holiday. France. Wizarding France. Maybe muggle France too? But Gwen would probably not be able to survive without magic for more than a few days. Erm. Anyway. ‘I will’, Gwen responded. Yep. She would definitely meet with the Slytherin and tell her all about the trip. Photos. Mhm. Nod at that too.

She then listened to what Cassia was saying. ‘Absolutely’ They really had to meet over the summer. ‘Besides, I will probably be around Diagon Alley most of the summer’ Yes, well she would be gone to France. But she would be spending the rest of the holiday home and around Diagon Alley. Mhm.

Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Oh, she noticed. Milton was pretty sure it was obvious, though. "I am happy. Aren't you?" Because it was SUMMER time. And then adult life time, and Milton was finally free.
Hmm. Wasn’t she happy? ‘Yeah… I suppose I am’ She was really looking forward to the summer. But this. All the people who were leaving- it definitely didn’t make her happy. Anyway. ‘So what’s for you after Hogwarts?’ She didn’t mean for that to sound personal or anything, but the sixth year wondered if he was going for a career in Quidditch. Because you would expect that from the Quidditch team’s captain.

Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
So, Beezus was sort of feeling hungry now and it was probably showing on her face. Turning to her fellow Ravenclaw, the Prefect smiled thriftily at Gwen. "Hey. Oh, I'm good. Just hungry. And you?" If she was sharing the same dilemma then Beezus was staying right beside her. She needed someone who also felt the pain!

But seriously, can they get on with the speech already?

‘Same here’, Gwen said and glimpsed at the staff table. ‘Any idea how much longer ‘til the speech?’, she asked Beezus, drawing her attention back to the Ravenclaw. Supposing there was still a while to wait, Gwen decided to distract herself and think of something else. Hmm. Like the trip she was planning for her holiday.

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
When Gwen as Mika preferred to refer to her – at least, to herself that is, asked if she made the cookies she just snorted a bit. ”No I tried to – but I’m not like Kurumi…I can’t bake cookies if I tried. I ended up getting flour all over myself and the other day if I shook my head a shroud of white stuff would suddenly be there…im sure there still is some flour stuck somewhere.” Yeah it was probably in her nose.

”Oooh France that sounds fun. Any idea where in yet?” she asked even though she was still distractedly thinking back on her friend and the friends at the Hufflepuff table. She had to go and see them soon. Otherwise she’d forget and be all sad and that wouldn’t be good. She wanted to hug her friends HARD this time before leaving.

”I might be going to New York City for a bit…and back to Melbourne to visit my gran before moving permanently to the UK – dad just got a place outside of Ambelside.” She smiled brightly.

It was a nice place and well, it wasn’t on an opposite weather pattern which would be a relief. She rather didn’t like going from winter to summer to summer to winter. It was confusing.


Not that great at baking cookies. ‘I think I’m even worse than you’, she chuckled. Really. Gwen was probably the worst cook. EVER. She started remembering her first attempt to bake muffins- when she ended up nearly setting the kitchen on fire. Erm. Those memories.

She got distracted as she heard Mika say something. Hmm. Any idea where? Gwen was sure she would be spending her holiday in the wizarding France. She probably couldn’t survive in muggle France more than a few days. Living without magic- that was impossible! Or at least Gwen thought so. But anyway, the younger Ravenclaw had asked a question, and Gwen hadn’t answered anything yet. ‘Umm. Not sure’, she eventually replied, deciding not to bore Mika with her dilemma of visiting muggle France too or not.

‘That does sound interesting’ New York. Melbourne. UK. It sounded like a great holiday.
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