SPOILER!!: Beezus
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And there was her co-Prefect. Spike Hutchinson.
When he approached the table, Beezus subconsciously bit on her lip. She wanted to talk to him, say goodbye and express her gratitude. Alas. He went right over to his girlfriend and based on girl code, it meant that she couldn't be near Spike....just not right now. He was strongly fenced and the brunette didn't want a scene to spark right there. It was just not worth it.
So, for the meantime...
Spike with all the different conversations going on around him, Spike just sat and listened for a moment, trying not to get too overwhelmed. At a pause in his co-Prefect's talking though, he leant forward as if to catch her attention, though soon returned to normal as he though better of it. He was all too aware of the friction between Beezus and his girlfriend, and since the two prefects were currently making a Addy and Milton sandwich, now probably wasn't a good time. Though he didn't want her to think he was neglecting her on his final feast at Hogwarts...
Taking a pencil for his pocket, he scrawled '
Later?' on the corner of his napkin, before tearing it off into a square and folding it into a mini origami frog. A quick flick of his wand, and the frog was soon hopping its way to Beezus. Sure, a spider would have more had his signature, but he didn't know how to fold one of those. Hopefully she'd guess from his handwriting?
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"UNCLE SPIKE HIII." Blue beamed and waved at the Ravenclaw prefect. "Wassup? Are you excited to finally leave? You're so lucky. I'm getting real sick of this place." #truth
Uncle? Spike turned towards the younger 'Claw with a bemused smile. "Hi Blue," he said, grinning and returning her wave. It faltered a little at her question though. "Kinda," he answered with a nod. "I've got lots of exciting stuff planned for the summer and beyond. But...I'm gonna miss you guys. A lot." He smiled softly, remembering how he couldn't wait to leave in his younger years. "Sick of it? How so?" Lessons, Spike could believe, but there was SO MUCH ELSE you could do. "Surely you can't be sick of playing Hide and Seek with the statues of armor, or tickling Sir Henry Bartholomew, or playing Quidditch with the wind whistling through your hair?"
Ah, quidditch. How he'd missed it this year.
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Feeling Spike's arms wrap around her she smiled widely and leaned into him a little bit. "It'll be with you. Of course I'm ready for that," she whispered back as she searched for his hand once he was seated beside her. Giving it a little squeeze she looked him over. He was going to be distraught about this leaving thing, wasn't he? She had to be a supportive girlfriend right now.
Addy leaned against Spike and smiled sweetly at him. "I'm right here. I won't leave your side, babe." SUPPORT!
Then Lottie's wiggling fingers caught her attention. Hehe. She was a good one, Lottie. SHE would always be okay. No nonsense kind of kid. The good kind.
Letting her eyes roam over the gathered faces she wished Rawdon was there to see her off. SIGHS. She missed her friend something fierce.
"Spike, I think..." then she trailed off and sat in silence.
Just her squeezing his hand made Spike feel happier about being here...and the excitement he did feel about moving on. It made the whole thing seem more...right. Funny, how things had switched places. A few months ago, it would have been Spike convincing Addy that everything was going to be okay.
At her sigh, Spike turned and looked at her questioningly. "You think...?" For a moment his heart skipped a beat. She didn't think anything bad, did she?
SPOILER!!: Ethan
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Ethan glanced up again as someone else took a seat near him. "Hey there Spike.." the sixth year smiled a bit at his prefect, then realized that he wouldn't be next term.. the older boy was another of the ones that would be leaving. "Kinda wish we would have hung out a little more this term.. but that's life, I guess." He had been rather busy as of late with personal matters and he knew that Spike was dating Addy which he was sure took up a lot of his time.. which Ethan totally understood. "So what are your plans for after graduation? Going to University?" Ethan was quite interested knowing that they shared a common study interest.
"Hey Ethan," Spike said, smile back on his face. He nodded in agreement. It would have been nice to do some more stuff with him this term - he was sure Ethan would have loved to try some of the crosses in his experimental herbology book. "I know," he replied. "Shame our timetables didn't overlap at all..." Though it really wasn't surprising - given that Spike had given up Quidditch to free his schedule up a bit, and Ethan had been training hard for the team.
"Not university, no," Spike replied. He wasn't really academic, and wanted to be more hands on with that. "Hopefully, I'm going to either Madagascar or the Galapagos Islands to start an apprenticeship in experimental herbology." He grinned. "Just waiting to hear back from the expedition leaders and stuff on where I might have got a place..." And if he didn't get the place, then who knows what he'd do. Maybe Jimmy would take him on again to tide him over until he could apply for some more stuff?
"What about you? Any plans for the summer and beyond?"