The Dueling Arena Stepping into the arena, you are immediately enveloped with the light shining into the room, either morning or evening depending on what time you decide to enter. Perhaps the intricately designed windows and ceiling could detour your eyes away from the dusty and cob web infested areas of the more higher portions of the arena. To the very right of the room, there is the long platform in which supervised duels will take place while four benches on either side are placed at a safe distance for those who would like to sit and watch. Just ahead of the platform in the right corner, there is a door, though pay no attention to it. It's locked for a reason.
Towards the back wall, there are various types of practice dummies, both stationary and moving, depending on what difficulty the practicer wants. Don't be afraid to go all out with your spells, for these dummies are charmed to repair themselves. There is one practice dummy set aside that will shoot spells back to the practicer, however, permission from a Professor is required to use it. To the left side of the arena are two sets of stands, eight seats high, that look out to the entire arena, comfortable for those who would just like to watch what's going on all around or for general purposes such as studying or relaxing after a long day in the arena.
The middle of the room is quite empty, due to the fact that the defense Professor enjoys presenting lessons in here, but please, despite the brilliant light that shines through the arena due to the large windows, it is not some place to sunbathe or fall asleep. You will be levitated out with a good dose of cold water splashed on you if caught. OOC: All SS Board and School Rules apply