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Seth witnessed Peyton get up and walk away. But before she left he just had to feel her warmth...For some reason he really needed it. Rushing up he sped behind her and embraced her in his big arms. "I need you, more than you need me." he tried so hard to avoid his eyes spilling his truth. There was more he felt for her, something he didn't want her to know because he was afraid of her not feeling the same way for him. Taking off his necklace he gently grabbed her hand and placed it her palm "Good luck. he said smiling very lightly and rushing out of the great hall and made his way out to the boys bathroom.
looking back whispering in the lowest tone possible "Bye lo-" he couldn't get those words out, he was on his own again. Heck ever since his mom was gone, he's been on his own.
Peyton froze when she felt arms around her. She was ready to dig her elbow on whomever it was' ribs. It was the voice that kept her still. Peyton blinked in surprise.
She was stupefied. She turned around just in time when Seth handed her a necklace and left, just like that.
What. Was. That. About?
Peyton blinked several times before shoving the necklace into her pocket and walking toward the Slytherin table. She was...confused. Really really confused. Seth was a confusing guy. So confusing Peyton thought even he was confused. She shook her head. She needed some milk and tons of ice cream.