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Old 04-04-2013, 09:54 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ladybug View Post
Bradley gave her another smile as she responded to him but he said nothing else to it. He shifted from foot to foot.

He listened and nodded his understand, he too moved to London but more for work than anything else, he knew that it couldn't have been easy moving away from the place you both new and loved to someone new and strange. "Well I'm sure you'll love it here! Its a bit different than the north, think you can handle it?" He teased with a smile, "I've never been up north, its something I'd like to try some day" He thought aloud.
"I certainly hope so." she said with a bright smile. "So far I'm finding everyone pretty nice, not concerned at all. And I easily found a place as well." Laughing softly she shrugged "I think I should be able to handle it well enough."

Tilting her head slightly she nodded "You should, it's lovely there. I was near the Scottish border, but I enjoyed many of my treks along the land. I'm not much one for staying inside. I collect much of my own ingredients for my potions and such."