Canon Drabble ♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥ How Can I Not Love You - Joy Enriquez
"Draco…" Hermione whispered, "Think of the future we might have. You and me, together."
Draco turned around, his gloomy eyes betraying his otherwise rock solid facade.
"Do you really have to go, Draco?" she asked again. Draco looked up at his Gryffindor princess, her beautiful face framed by wild hair.
"I have no choice." he said, his eyes shut.
"We can run. Run far away…”
"Can you?" Draco asked her, slanting his head, "Can you walk away? Not fight for what's right?
"Goodbye, ‘Mione." With that their paths forked, one towards darkness, and the other leading to light.