People, people. I probably found this a lot more hilarious that I SHOULD, but Airey Flamsteed is always hilarious.
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Smiling in appreciation when Tinka reappeared, Airey moved to reach for the topmost box and then returned his blue gaze towards the floor. Where did one even begin with all this? Well, he knew how HE would organize things if it were his office. " about we start sorting things based on categories..." How many of those were there in Divination? Worthless and More Worthless?
Just then he heard a knock at the door and mentally grumbled. Was there a student on the other side of that door? They were going to have to go away before their life was put at risk entering this place.
Taking a step towards it, the astronomer ended up stepping on something else and DOWN he went with a very loud THUD and a few coarse words. "Son of a comet!"
Emphasis by me.