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Beezus pulled out a thermos from her bag and two disposable mugs as she listened to Mo's questions. "I've got milk for us." Not cocoa. Because that was choco and she was allergic so milk. It ensures a good night's sleep too. After pouring milk to one mug and handing it over to her companion, the brunette looked up at her star again. "I named my star Zeta. Actually, Zeta the Second because there's already a start called Zeta out there." She poured a mug of her own and nodded. "The asterism we named Spectrum just because we think it sounds cool. " Hehe. "It's the diamond-like clump of stars next to mine."
When it was his turn to point out his asterism, Beezus pulled her mug to her chest and followed where he's directing. ...It DOES look like a bludger and bat. "Selina?" Giggle!snort. "Does she know about this?"
Warm milk? It was dark out, and sort of warm, and she'd brought warm milk? Was it nap time? Mo took the cup, although he didn't drink any right away. He was probably going to fall asleep if he bothered drinking the milk... so that would come later.
"My star is named Nova. I told her a story about another star named Nova who was a hero, and she liked it so much she grew... way bigger." He propped his elbows on his knees and admired the way Nova sort of twinkled at him. She wouldn't last forever - he was smart enough to realize that, and he sort of wanted her back in a jar where he could take care of her.
"Spectrum, hmm? How many stars did you add to it?" Mo traced the clump of stars with one finger as he considered her OTHER question. He answered quietly, "Wasn't named after Selina the person, though. It was named after Selina the bat." Alice's bat. And he wasn't foolish enough
now to believe that West had meant any other Selina.