Join Date: Dec 2004 Location: Land Down Under
Posts: 3,333
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cullen Maximus Pavus Trevelyan Third Year x2
| Science Freak | Royalty in Love Text Cut: Droo Quote:
Originally Posted by Droo Ian Amoroso arrived at the voting booth and nodded to everyone... He was pleased with the turnout so far. He went, voted and then sat in a chair he just conjured to see what his staff would do "Zach, Mate... lookin gooooood."
Zach smiled as he saw Amoroso took a seat after placing his vote. He seemed to be there to make sure they are doing the right thing. He nodded at him and said, "How are you doing today, Ian?" Text Cut: catching everyone else Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Today was Voting Day, Wesley remembered, pretty much as soon as he stepped into the Atrium and saw all the people and all the booths. Oi, those curtains were offensive. No doubt that was the doing of that redheaded banshee over at Hogwarts...
Shaking his head slightly to himself, the DMLE Head stepped up to the line and offered his Ministry I.D. and his wand to the young junior undersecretary. "McMillan," he nodded to show he remembered the guy's name. Ian Amoroso was here too, huh. "Amoroso," Wes also nodded to him. "How's it going?" The man had been busy this year. Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight Today was Voting Day, Sky had been reminded a couple time. As she stepped into the Atrium she looked around and saw all the people and all the booths. She had a feeling it might get hectic in here. The blonde stepped up to the line and offered her Ministry I.D. and her wand to the person. She looked around hey look Wes was here, Mr.Bossman. Sky nodded towards him "Hello Wes, how is it going?" Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Roxanne had hurried over to vote herself after posting the notice on the DERP bulletin board to do so. But after catching sight of the garishly decorated booths and table, she started to wish that she hadn't. Who thought that actually looked good?! And it wasn't the color she objected too, since she actually kind of liked the color pink. It was the fact that it was SHINY VELVET. Who used shiny or velvet materials at a serious occasion? Or even together at all ever?
Getting over just barely the decor, she recognized the two people in front of her. "Hello Wes, Sky," she greeted, giving each of them a nod. "Nice decorations, huh?" That last bit was said with a bit of a smirk. She pulled out her wand and Ministry I.D. and held them out to the Board of Elections worker, taking the offered ballot. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Emily hadn't really been following the whole election spiel, she'd been too focused on other things. Like her career, and what she was going to eat the next night. See, far more important. But at the end of the day, Hogwarts had been a home to her... and she appreciated her experiences there, so as a result, she found herself at the polling booth, staring down at her ballot paper wondering who the heck deserved her vote.
In the end, she managed to allocate votes to some candidates. They weren't all awful after all.
She'd have stayed to chat, but chat was not her thing. Bye dudes and dudettes.
Back to workkk.... Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Before heading down to Mysteries today Isobel had to remind herself that she needed to vote. Whilst it wouldn't have been that much of an inconvenience if she had forgotten, she was feeling a little lazy today. and so wanted to get voting out of the way as soon as possible. Hopefully some of her employees would come vote too, because they hadn't really been doing a lot recently. Heading into the atrium, she wandered over to the polling location. It looked kind of busy already. Ahh. There was her husband. Great minds thought a like clearly.
Ahh. Roxanne was here too. MLE reunion or something? "Morning..." She murmured to all of them, before she offered her wand, and ID over to the person. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Alexandria decided against entering the polling area before heading down to the Space Chamber. Knowing what she knew about Ministry employees, they likely would have voted before starting their shifts which meant extensively long lines in the morning. Instead she opted to go vote during her mid-morning break, after checking on the models.
She didn't have any children at present, but she did have a sister employed at Hogwarts and she had another sister who had two children. And even if Pao had withdrawn from Hogwarts after his first year, that didn't mean the same would be for TiaMarie.
Removing her wand and identification, she presented it at the long wooden table waiting to be checked in. Surely this voting thing wouldn't take too much of her time. She had models and space experiments to return to . . . Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Heading over to the voting area meant seeing people. He wasn't prepared for that. Didn't they know that he needed more notice than this. The ministry debates had forced him to talk to one too many people and he liked to think that he was still recovering. Not to mention that Level wide meeting.
Definitely. Too many. People.
This was why he opted to get there when most of the rush would have already died down. Less people to smile at and far less people to not appreciate him for all he was; all his brilliance.
He was more than a little apprehensive disappointed when he saw that so many people were still there. He just wanted to vote and leave...but he'd be the odd one out if he didn't say hello...wouldn't he. SIGH. He looked around at the others there and gave them a nod and something that could be mistaken for a smile if you turned all the lights off and remained blindfolded. That was hello. Couldn't they tell? Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Quite frankly, Cora wasn't really sure why she decided to vote. She hadn't ever attended Hogwarts, so why should she bother? Still, it was kinda cool to hear about and stuff, so she'd paid attention somewhat, and voting was totally a big important thing back in America, so why not vote here too since she was able?
So here she was. Cora beamed at all the other employees also in line while she waited, then handed over her wand and identification once she'd reached the front. Then she took them back plus a ballot slip, and made her way into a booth. It wasn't long until she was back out once more and submitting her ballot. And then she continued on, heading back for level 3. Quote:
Originally Posted by pinkphoenix At least they got a hour of break that they could use to go and vote. Jade Gemstone walked into the voting booth. She was inexplicably nervous but she figured that it was her first time participating in a British election of some sort. There was the tiny matter of her not knowing most of the candidates except for Roxanne and her own boss, 'Thea. But she did do her homework before coming so she was fairly certain about whom she was going to vote for.
With that in mind, she stepped up to the table and handed off her wand and identification card. Once she was handed the ballot slip, she headed over to a voting booth and made her choices.
That done-- she returned to the table and submitted her ballot. She gathered her things and said a quiet "thank you" and "goodbye" (no reason why not to treat them with respect--they must be sitting here for hours already), before heading back to level three and her work.
Zach then looked at the people and told then to queue up properly and be prepared to present their wand and Ministry IDs.
He then smiled at everyone and reminded them to "Vote wisely" nodding at them as they are reminded to mind their votes.