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Dying was not in his list of priorities as of the moment. He just survived some near-death experience that he can't even remember what, and now what?
'Oh merciful aquatic creatures, do not eat me. Tides don't wash me away.' Zeke began to think deathly thoughts in his mind as he closed his eyes shut, ready for the moment of truth. "POSEIDON!" he yelled underwater for some reason, and realized he could breathe all of a sudden. He slowly opened his eyes and then the sight of Gwen dawned on him, holding his hand. Ohh...
Zeke didn't realize that he grabbed her hand and pulled himself back up to surface. Breathing noisily, he stared at her, bewildered. As he completely got off that fatal body of water that he felt was swallowing him up before, he lay down flat on the ground, looking up the sky.
What. Just. Happened.
'Too much information. I think my brain's about to explode. But then again, I can still think right now. Which is good, I think.' Yeah, he was alive. Gwen saved him, thank goodness. But that grin on her face. DID SHE NOT REALIZE THE GRAVENESS OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! HE COULD HAVE DIED, FOR PETE'S LOVING SAKE.
He closed his eyes again, trying to calm himself down. Breathing as heavily as ever, but not uttering a single word. Gwen. Gwen. Gwen. Both the monster and the savior. Who was this girl?
Everything happened so fast, that Gwen couldn’t really think about what was going on. Zeke fell, now he was alright.... and that was about it.
‘Come on’, she said, trying to make Zeke take a few steps away from the lake.
Because he was clearly not capable of holding his balance.
Not that she usually was, but that’s another story.
So anyway, once Zeke didn’t seem to be so pale and yeah, breathing again, Gwen looked at the Gryffindor rather confused.
‘So...’, she started saying, seriously hoping that he would get the idea and stop acting this foolishly.
‘What’s the matter with you?’, she said rather coldly.
She never thought she would wish for this, but could Zeke be back to his normal mean, annoying self? Because this... not remembering things... or pretending not to remember things- was far worse.
Truth be told, Gwen had lots of things she didn’t understand. Why was Zeke back? Did he go back to Durmstrang in the past years? She had known little about him even a few years ago- but now... it was just weird. Gwendolyn looked back at him, expecting Zeke to say something.