Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict The patronus from Wes had been massively lacking in details, which had been yet another reason why Dorian had thought the man had been possibly insane or in a mood to play a prank on him with this summons. He wouldn’t have been surprised to hear the DMLE head creeping up behind him at any minute, as he’d continued standing there waiting outside of Roxanne’s new office for entry. The blurred sight through the glass in the office doors certainly wasn’t helping any, given his lack of information and entirely non-professional thoughts toward his department head and his motives. At the very least, he could hope that this wasn’t all some evil plot to bring back the awkwardness, and he could always laugh about his thoughts with Natasha later. They really were ridiculous thoughts.
He’d opened the door rather soundlessly as he’d heard her invite him in, or at least invite whoever it was that had knocked in her office. If he hadn’t been able to decipher much through the glass, odds were it worked both ways and she wouldn’t have expected him. Either way, the sight he revealed was rather odd, and he’d raised an eyebrow slightly before closing the door behind him. The DERP employees didn’t need to think their new head was crazy. “And what exactly has the file cabinet done to receive that type of treatment?,” he asked, once again reminded of how little he knew of why he was here. That and the fact he probably should have said something else before he’d said that, but none of this was normal. She’d just have to excuse him later if she was bothered by it. Obviously there was some reason she was fighting with a file cabinet. He’d just have to find out in due time, since he was assuming it had something to do with why he’d been asked to check things out. If it hadn’t been just Wes playing some sort of game
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |