Pink. Of all the colours it had to be that one. Was it even supposed to turn that colour??? Her eyes shot to the parchment immediately and to her dismay it was right there in blue ink. Ugh. She needed to hurry up and make it change again. To do that she'd need...
20 toasted dragonfly thoraxes...she grabbed a handful of them ad began adding them into the solution. Now it was a good thing the instructions clearly said that it might not need all twenty because her solution had gone red from the 16th one. If it hadn't said so she would have gone on adding like it was the most natural thing in the world. She stared at it just a bit longer to make sure it was
was red and once she was convinced she replaced the excess on the table.
Right. Now all she had to do was wait for it to turn...--EEEEeeeeep!!! It was gonna turn BLUE!!! Neat! She looked to the cauldron again, almost as if she was willing it to hurry up and change. Could she turn up the fire???
Her patience paid off soon after when she watched it turn a wonderful shade of
BLUE. Grin.
Now THIS she could appreciate.