Reviewing her journal, Alysssa scratched out the steps she had completed and the ingredient she had used.
Once she was done updating her journal, Alyssa picked up the one measure of doxy eggs. Counting out the minute eggs, Alyssa slowly added them into her cauldron.
When the third egg was added, Alyssa looked inside her cauldron and watched as the eggs slowly submerged into the mixture. '
Come on turn pink...turn pink.' She whispered to herself...and to the mixture brewing in her cauldron. Alyssa waited and watched and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw the mixture start to change color again as it swirled and heated up in her cauldron.
The turqouise color was slowly changing adding a reddish tinge to it. Soon her mixture was a nice pink....just like the color of pepto bismol. She had achieved her pinkness.
Now on to the next step.