Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
Taking the the papers from the man whom she knew to be Montgomery. She nodded and placed the form where it belonged. "Yes, thank you very much," She said but stopped seeing that NO money was here.
Turning her gaze up at the man she offered another artificial smile," Now only the 100 galleons fee is left," So yeah dig in your pockets manager. The ballots weren't for free.
Of course the woman wasn't going to let the money issue go. Why was it everything had to be about money? Didn't these people think about anything else? Apparently not, since all the woman in front of him was focusing on now was him paying her.
Pulling the money out of his bag he held it for just a little bit longer.
"What exactly is it that this money will be used for?" There was no way it was going to cost that much to have a name printed on a ballot. He didn't care how many ballots had to be printed up.
So come on ministry woman, tell him, what was the money being used for? He had a right to know, as did all the other managers that were there just freely handing over the large sum of money.