Science Freak | Royalty in Love "Please write legibly." he said with a smile on his face. "You just need to write your name, the candidate's name. After dong so, my colleagues here will collect the form including the 100 galleon fee." he said nodding at every body in the room and in the queue.
He is now standing a bit far away from the table supervising and waiting for people to approach him, that is if they have any questions. This registration for the elections is running smoothly, although he cannot help but notice that everyone is disagreeing on the steep fee that was enforced upon them. For Zach, it is a bit ridiculous, but he cannot complain and he is not the one who made that rules.
He looked at the ones who have already finished, giving them a smile and a small wave as they are heading off.
Last edited by dan arjay; 03-11-2013 at 11:07 AM.