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Old 03-10-2013, 02:43 AM   #80 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lyric Bayliss-Black
Fourth Year
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Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese

SPOILER!!: Odessa and the Professor!
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
West watched the homework get writ up and blinked. Errr... wait.

Hand up.

"Professor, I don't know the duplicating charm. Can you show it to me?" Because... for reals. He didn't know.
Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Gemma smiled as the hands started going up in the air and she had to admit that she was surprised that so many students didn't know the charm she had mentioned...what were they learning in Charms class...she walked forward and with a flick of her wrist her wand shot out of her wrist holster and into her hand. She glanced at the students and smiled, "O no worries..." the she said loudly to everyone, "If anyone else needs to learn the duplicating spell, please come up to the front."

She waited for the students to move up to the front and she smiled at them...she never thought as a Muggle Studies profesor she would ever be teaching a charm to the students. She passed around a box of Muggle crayons..."Okay everyone please grab a crayon of you choice." she said starting the passing by grabbing a Cerulean colored crayon out of the box and placing it on the table in front of her.

"Now the duplicating spell is called the Gemino's a very simple charm...and it can be made into a curse with a different wand movement, but we just want the simple charm..." should she have mentioned the curse...yes...better to head off the Harry Potter questions...then she focused how should she teach this...ummm...yes...

She took a little breath, "Let's just practice saying the charm's very easy to pronounce it as....Gem-en-o..." she said sounding it out slowly..."Everyone give that a try..."

The lesson had seemed to fly by...and Dylan was regretful to see it ending. He wasn't an artist by any means...but drawing and outlining stuff had been fun. It was better than having to write down notes and producing an essay or whatever.

While he was packing up his things, he heard Professor Cerulean saying something about the Duplicating charm...and West asking for her to show him. The Slytherin thought that was rather awesome...because it just happened to be a personal favorite of his. In theory, of course...because Dylan was an upstanding student and would never...EVER charm things...just for the common room...


...Naturally, it was because of his love of the spell...that he couldn't help but to point one thing out. Habit and all that..."Professor...I couldn't help but to overhear what you were saying. You were talking about the Duplicating spell...but the incantation doesn't sound right to me."...because this was something he'd studied extensively. He KNEW this...but the Captain figured he'd leave that bit out. "It's Geminio, yea? There's another I in there..." He really wasn't trying to be rude...but this was West they were talking about and it was his responsibility to make sure his Chaser was getting the material.
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