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Old 03-06-2013, 10:07 PM   #71 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sarah Edwards

Default Sarah would have done a better job in the poster, yet I am not skilled in graphics
Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Sarah listened attentively. She had all this from a design book she had read. About colours and things. She didn't know what candidate to do though. She liked the candidates that wanted peer helping, more resources, career advice, extra curricular and all yet quite a few offered that. She was in a rather indecisive mood anyway so she decided to make a lottery. She found a scrap of paper and wrote out names on it Professor Schirmer, Nolan R., Sherman Clark and Carter Phillips were all entered in and she cut out the slips and rolled each into a ball. She then picked a random one... Althea Schirmer was the one she was going to make it for, although she still supported the rest.

Sarah then opened up a few daily prophets to get a good picture of Schirmer. Finally she found one... oooh Schirmer was pretty! What was her colour scheme? Sarah decided to use red as Schirmer was always mentioning passion and the things she was passionate about. She decided to use green as the complementry colour as not only did it match, yet Althea in Greek was a kind of shrub which was green.

Now for the lettering... Despite bringing her calligraphy pens, Sarah had not yet mastered that art and the art of neat handwriting in general. So instead she paged through the Daily Prophet and cut out the letters and text she needed. She then pasted them down with glue and painted over them with her green acrylic paint. She then stuck the picture of the Professor in the middle. She looked back and examined her artwork... not bad, yet could be better.
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