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Old 03-06-2013, 05:09 AM   #70 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

x12 x12
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Oh. And all those people naming her grandfather? They were mentally added to her favourites list. West even got a wink back, mhm.
So winking, it was a good reason to only be paying the bare minimum of attention to things. Which was still enough attention, lets face it.

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Gemma smiled as the various students shared their responses...and she even did a good job of keeping a smile on her face as more and more students mentioned the former professor running...what was it about that one...did they not know she was a liar and relationship breaker....but she did a good job smiling as they all listed names....she was very impressed by how well some of them had paid attention to the debates and the news.

Then she addressed a comment that a few of the students had shared, "Some of you are correct about not making a decision until you know more about the candidates, but remember that it's your responsibility to get to know the candidates better...and that means reading and researching the candidates and their platforms and being active in the debates and articles being published...and from that information you can feel a little bit more confident about which of the candidates fit what you think is most important." she said encouragingly and with lots of excitement...yes she was a dork...politics excited her and was an interest of was her anthropology background...societies had grown and fallen under single leaders and politics guided it all.

She walked towards the posters hanging around the room that were illuminated, "A great way to get out the word about your candidate is through propaganda or advertising. Many of you chose to do the extra credit assignment from our first homework and create amazing posters for yourself." she said with a little nod up and down before continuing, "These posters are from a variety of Muggle elections through the years and they helped frame an election and opinion about candidates and views." she said walking slowly to each one.

When she had finally made it to the front of the room, she smiled and said, "Is there one poster that stands out to your the most or that you find interesting or different? Does anyone make you more interested in learning or voting for an issue or candidate?" she asked the students always interested in their reply, "Or is there a poster that you can remember that made you exited about a candidate? Describe it to us."
West squinted. Were there any posters from Britain there? No? He wasn't familiar with Muggle American stuff from over 70 years ago and beyond. He also wasn't so sure that posters had ever made him 'excited' about politics. Or whatever. But he was only fourteen after all. Posters made him excited about Quidditch sometimes...? But that was pretty much IT. Did that count?

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
"Yes, you all have great reasons...notice that many of you mentioned the design or the colors...Colors can convey a mood or feeling from different people. For instance, red can signify passion or dedication. Blues are often related to politics and values. Yellow is warm, inspirational and is the happiest of all colors. Green represents freshness, security, tranquility and nature. Purple: Purple is the color of luxury, passion, sensuality, nobility and promotes a sense of depth. Gray is the color of architecture, neutrality, wisdom, intelligence and is very futuristic. Brown represents hearth and home, contentment, honesty and high virtues. Black: Black communicates clarity, creating a perception of seriousness, sophistication, glamour and prestige. White symbolizes purity, excellence, cleanness, clarity, simplicity and optimism." she said each color as she pointed it out in the various posters.. "So many times the colors are used to help sway different ideas from different people"

"Also, many of the posters have slogans on them...not all of them, but many of them do. These are catchy phrases that are a play on words that usually deal with the candidate's first or last name." she said motioning towards a couple of the examples, "These almost become battle cries for the candidate's supporters in rallies and in social media...these slogans help to make sure that the candidate is easily remembered....almost like a commercial found on Muggle television...sometimes the slogan has to do with their campaigns and sometimes they are just funny plays on their names."

She walked towards one of the tables and picked up the box in the middle and grabbed a sheet of paper, "You'll notice that at each of your tables, there is a plastic box with some basic items, such as construction paper, glue, markers, colored pencils, and scissors and sheets of paper....and many of you have extra supplies because the announcement for class encouraged you to bring supplies to class..." she placed the box and paper back on the table [/b]"And ya'll did smashingly bringing supplies, I seen beads and glitter and stars and stickers and lots more...[/b]" she paused and then continued, "If everyone will grab one of the sheets of paper and place your personal items on the ground." she waited for everyone to follow the directions, "Today I would like you to create a poster in support of your favorite candidate running for the Board of can be as creative as you like, but remember that it must must must be school appropriate." she said as she walked up to the board and flipped it over. "Here is a list of the candidates still in the running for the Board, feel free to choose any one of the candidates and be creative and have fun. Your poster should include atleast their name and an image of them....I encourage you to remember the colors and what they convey and even try to think of a slogan that represents your candidate..." she said excitedly.

SPOILER!!: Program from Student Debate with names and pictures of Candidates...those xed are no longer in the race...

OOC: Okey dokey...I'm going to give you until late tomorrow night to create your can use a graphics program or Polyvore or whatever you would like! Have fun with these because we may be hanging these up in different places later on! Just RP your charrie making the poster and post it in here! Thanks everyone!
Well. Having absorbed all that, West thought about it: Carter Phillips was the candidate he was gonna do. Easy choice on account of Quidditch. What colours? Red and Black and White sounded good to him, and simple. And also why not do it propaganda-y? Thats what this was about right? He even had ideas for slogans and whatever.

West grabbed parchment to work on rather than paper, and settled himself down with inks and paints and a ruler for straight lines until he'd finally finished the poster.

Done! Now what?

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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