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Old 03-05-2013, 05:45 PM   #63 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sarah Edwards

Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
SPOILER!!: posters galore...old and new

1860: Abraham Lincoln (Republican) v. Stephen Douglas (Democrat) v. John C. Breckinridge (Southern Democrat) v. John Bell (Constitutional Union)

1864: Abraham Lincoln (Republican) v. George B. McClellan (Democrat)

1872: Ulysses S. Grant (Republican) v. Horace Greeley (Liberal Republican)

1924: Calvin Coolidge (Republican) v. John Davis (Democrat) v. Robert La Follette (Progressive)

1928: Herbert Hoover (Republican) v. Al Smith (Democrat)

1968: Richard M. Nixon (Republican) v. Hubert Humphrey (Democrat) v. George Wallace (Independent)

1988: George H. W. Bush (Republican) v. Michael Dukakis (Democrat)

2008: Barack Obama (Democrat) v. John McCain (Republican)

When she had finally made it to the front of the room, she smiled and said, "Is there one poster that stands out to your the most or that you find interesting or different? Does anyone make you more interested in learning or voting for an issue or candidate?" she asked the students always interested in their reply, "Or is there a poster that you can remember that made you exited about a candidate? Describe it to us."
Sarah looked at the posters... was that first one Abe Lincoln? Didn't he have a different hairstyle..lilke a hairstyle more similiar to the guy in the next poster? Sarah liked Abraham Lincoln. She liked him as she liked all the people that she got cool quotes from. She had three of his biographies... She loved the story about him an dthe footprints on the ceiling. Sarah wished that she were tall like him. Sarah seemed to remember Grant having more of a Belly. Hoo-hoo-hoover.. cool alliteration. Then the keep cool with coolige was also brilliant. That picture of Uncle Sam pointing a fingure saying "I want you", she recognized it. Oh yeah her mother had put it up in their kitchen and had added the subtitle "to clean up after you eat". Sarah continued looking at them... they were all pure propaganda. She had read a book on the elements of design as well as propaganda and most if not all of these posters were propaganda. That poster of Obama for example with his head looking upwards gave the viewer a message of "there will be a future and hope if you vote for me".
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