"Candy Probabtion? What are you going on about? There's no such thing." She shot Louisa a LOOK. Why was she telling Vivi about it??? It wasn't necessary because then...then...GASP! Because then THAT would happen! She looked up at Vivi withh wide eyes.
"Whaaaaat? No. Don't listen to her! There's no candy probation--it's...it's a myth! Completely made up and unrealistic in every sense of the word.PleaseDon'tStopSendingMeChocolateFrogs!!!" They were all she had to look forward to!! >______<
There had to be some way of steering this conversation away from her not eating candy. She was about to change the subject when Louisa went into her bag. CANDY??
She raised an eyebrow at the pathetic attempt at humour. It didn't even warrant a half smile so she simply scowled. It had been WEEKS
okay so a week and two days since she devoured an entire bag of candy, now she was getting her hopes up for the candy shopping spree and all Louisa chose to give her was a small bonbon. No. Just now. The scowl prevailed.
"Not looking at the candy will make me even more mad and that is NOT what we agreed on so you will be breaking your promise. I want to be taken to the candy store where I can have any and everything on the shelves." Oh but while they were on this promise thing. She turned to each girl with a curious look before asking Louisa.
"Why were you looking at Vivi like that just now? Did she break a promise? If it's a candy promise then I apologize but she can only commit her candy to me, so..." Just forget about it and move on?
She nodded at what her Mama Vivi said next.
"I am, very much I am. It's just not the same anymore and I made the team on luck. Pure luck and nothing else." She was sure of it, especially after the last game.
"And I don't mind socially awkward people--West is your cousin????" Ew.
"On second thought...send me a puppy." That could work too.
"A girl puppy." Because now she needed to be specific seeing as Vivi just said all boys were idiots. Something that was rather common knowledge but it just became a FACT the moment Vivi said it.
Then Louisa went saying more things that made her frown.
"I am not. I do what I can and get in trouble for it. Just about everything fun is against the bloody rules." She muttered, but only because it was true. Lex paused for a minute and listened to her go on. The frown began disappearing.
"HEY! That's a great idea! I can think of a few people who deserve it too!" Now Louisa was being more helpful than hurtful. Progress.
"He is, very much. I don't like brainless people."
Lex grabbed for her own menu when she saw Louisa looking at hers then handed the other to Vivi.
"I want butterbeer and chocolate chip cookies." A well balanced meal that had chocolate. What more could she want?
"What will you have?"