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Old 02-28-2013, 04:34 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Why was her big brother separating girls and girlfriends? Did he mean girls as in friends and girls he dated? Giving him a blank look Sophie said. "Now you’ve lost me. You’ve dated but it hasn’t been anything serious?" Orlando was being a little too cryptic. Trying to understand she furrowed her brows as she tried to connect the dots. "So you are scared of long-term relationships and commitments?" Would that mean that he was soon packing up his things and leaving London for greener grass someplace else? Sophie hoped not.

Taking another ball, a turquoise one this time Sophie stuck her fingers in it and marched up to the court. Swinging her arm back and then forward she let it go. The ball rolled…and rolled until it made contact with the pins but to Sophie’s dismay and frustration it just made the pins wiggle a little before they stood steady again. "I made a good shot. Pins should be nice." Sticking her tongue out at the pins she turned and marched back to her brother. "Yes I like quidditch. Riding a broom is always fun and against others is even more fun." Sophie admitted.

Standing to the side she looked on as her big brother made his next attempt to strike down all the pins but his ball met the same fate as hers had done. "Is this bowling lane cursed?" Sophie wondered. Was that why they couldn't hit any pins?
Tilting his head a little he nodded "I've dated a few people, but usually they leave before it gets too serious. I don't know if it's me not being able to commit or it's just we fall apart." Shrugging he pulled a face "I don't know, I mean it would be nice to find someone but I just haven't found 'the one' you know?" Yeah every one of them seemed to have something about them that just irked him to the point of not wanting to be around the girl!

Watching as Sophie took her ball again and swung. It looked like it would hit them! Beaming at her as it rolled down the alley, he watched as the pins wobbled and stood still.


What in merlin's name? He was positive neither had gotten a pin down yet! Smirking he nodded "Definitely! Taking on the other players is even more fun as beater. What position did you play?"

Eyeing the pins at the end, "That or the bowling alley."