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Old 02-28-2013, 12:08 AM   #5 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Oh professor was herrrrre.

"Hi Professor! Of course I am." Paaaaaaaaaaause. "And maybe after I could stun you so I could feel what its like to WIELD the power of unconsciousness." Serious. It was only fair right? And it'd be a learning experience. Surely she wanted him to LEARN stuff, right?

"I don't know the rennervate spell either." Just saying. Probably a good one to know, though clearly he was down with the theory.
Oh, he was a funny one, wasn't he?

"Ve'll see..." Medea chuckled a little, moving around West to inspect the floor there. In other words, no. With an estimated guess on where he'd land, she cast the cushioning charm on the ground, tapping it a few times to make sure it was alright. Tap tap tap, yes, it was good to go. "Although, I vouldn't mind supervising if you found a volunteer friend instead." Or Airey.

No point in trying to teach the rennervate spell when she was unconscious.
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