Arts TRANSPONSTER! Aaarghhh, this little boy was telling things as if she hadn't already understood them! "I knoooowwww!" Agatha roooolled her eyes at him. "I meant that she was talking to you because-" She stopped for a fraction of a second when a new idea popped into her mind. "-you look a lot easier to be tricked than me." Aha!
Yeeeah, right! "No, you wouldn't." The nine year-old told him, eyes still narrowed. "I know you think my hair is beautiful too, you just won't say it." Because boys were stupid like that. Tsk. "I can too!" Agatha replied annoyed. She could soooo control her body! "I am a ballerina, I can control my movements perfectly." She wasn't lying, really. She did dance, but it was not completely true she was the best at balance, for example. Dax obviously didn't need to know that. "Besides," She continued after he said she had a 'tiny little body'. "Ballerinas are supposed to... not be tall." Hm. Once again, not completely true, but it was partially right anyway! Hair flip.
And there he went blabbing again. "No, I'm 9 but I think like an adult already." SO TRUE! Give her a grown up task to see if she couldn't do it! She soooooo could! She can do everything adults do! Everything! Not
But he just kept calling her little girl!! "SHUT UP!!" She finally shouted, throwing the bowl she was holding on the floor, spilling melted ice cream all over. Her face was bright red as she glaaaaaaaaared at Dax. RUDE!! RUUUDEEEEE BOOOYYY!!
Uuuuuuuuuurgh, Agatha HATED little boys!!! They were SO STUPID!
__________________ AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________  Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you! |