Q9 And this one was for Mr. Vanderbilt. Mhm. He eyed the man who had been doing a decent job of keeping up. Only a decent job. Nothing special, and nothing that impressed him either...not that most anything could impress him but that wasn't the point. Time for his question. "You’ve stated before that you’re not happy with the way things are done in relation to the running of the school and its safety policies, Mr. Vanderbilt, what would you do differently if elected?" Or was he one of those that just kept talking without a plan to back it up...probably not since he was able to get this far with the questioning.
Have he said that though? He doesn’t remember putting it that way, but then again every parent or guardian who has been following with the happening in the school have aired their concerns in one form or another “You know its easy to say we should have tighter security around Hogwarts -- put up higher walls or stronger charms to keep dangers out... but I figured, that’s not really a solution, one way or another things are going to get into Hogwarts—or let in unknowingly...” like that plant, didn’t that come with the new Headmistress? “... or the next danger would actually be something that borne from within.” The school is an old castle with a Forbidden Forest in its own backyard “And like what I mentioned before it boils down what is taught in the curriculum; how they are trained as Witches and Wizards. Students need to learn how to defend themselves, how to handle the dangers, how to recognize them, the basics of what to do and what not to do, even acquire advance skills that may not be part of a normal school curriculum. That way they bring with them the ability whether they are within Hogwarts’ walls or when they go out to the real world, which they all will eventually.”