Arts TRANSPONSTER! Agatha held her bowl of strawberry ice cream almost unsteadily as she walked around the room looking at everything. If the thing was completely melted it would be dripping all over, but luckily it wasn't... yet.
That kitchen was so bright, it made her even more excited to be there. She wished she had a camera on her so she could actually prove to Acadia she had been there. But... maybe she would just wait there long enough for her parents to go fetch her so they could all see by themselves that she had been allowed in that back room.
Hohohohohoho! Acadia would be forever jealous, she just knew it!
And the little boy was there too. Of course he was... the nice Ice Cream Man had let the both of them there because of that creepy woman. "You know, you should be more careful about who you talk to!" It was totally his fault that that crazy woman was talking to them! Lies, all lies.
Agatha rolled her eyes exaggeratedly and shook her head. "Kids..." She pretended to mumble, but said that in a very clear tone. "Don't know anything about the real world." She continued her dramatic act, repeating what her father always said around Acadia and herself, even though she had no idea what that truly meant. "Don't go around messing up Mr Ice Cream Man's kitchen, Dax, or he will be upset!" Agatha added as she resumed walking around, her ice cream finally starting to drip all over. |