Thread: The Grand Stage
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Old 02-20-2013, 02:50 AM   #99 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Text Cut: Mrs Rae-Branxton
Originally Posted by Erndearment View Post
[color=royalblue]Once again, it was Cassandra's turn, and she stood to face the candidates. They were spirited and passionate, which she appreciated, but some of them were starting to turn on each other. Yes, obviously, the questions from the Ministry and the community were a bit hard hitting, but did the candidates remember that most of them would make it onto the Board and would have to get along with each other?

Cassandra was a mother of five and had no small skill at showing her displeasure with a quick flaring of her nostrils and her hands on her hips. Not that she would employ those tactics on these lovely people... but if they got out of hand in her Boardroom? All bets were off.

Say what they would about Erik Vinteren's flip answer from earlier, but he had shown unusual interest in meeting professors and students and attending classes. That level of interest really showed his commitment to Hogwarts, didn't it? Cassandra turned her attention to the man. "Mr. Vinteren, a school is more than just the students and professors. How can we get the Wizarding community involved at Hogwarts?"

Erik's final question was one much more suited to his tastes, and for that, he was grateful it had come from the President of the Board. He had great respect for this woman.

"Thank you, Madame President," he stood up and took centre stage confidently, "for asking me vhat. I believe I haff outlined a few ways to involve the Wizarding community at Hogwarts, once we haff secured the castle of course, so I will reiterate them now.

"I vould like to see mentorships, or partnerships similar to vhat Professor Schirmer suggested," he nodded toward the blonde, "between distinguished members of the community and students to help vhem get vheir footing in the real vorld." He might have even agreed with Vanderbilt's assessment of young wizards not realizing that a real job equalled real work. Erik casually tucked his hands into his pockets as he spoke and walked a little closer to the stage edge. He was comfortable up here. Doing well, he thought.

"I vould also like to involve the community through open board meetings, soft ov in a town-hall style, to hear vhe thoughts of parents and concerned community members. I also support the continuing of the seminars." He actually wanted to attend the next one, if he could... "Finally, I think the Board could do a better job ov raising funds for scholarships for graduates. The fundraiser for vhe library seemed to be a huge success, so perhaps ve could take a more proactive approach to funding the school in vhat manner, vith donations from parents and alumni, in vhe future." He was not 100% clear on how the school was currently funded but was sure a surplus could hardly hurt Hogwarts.

His answer seemed complete then, so Erik gave a slight bow to the audience and one to the panel of question askers as well. "Vank you all for your time and attention. It's been a pleasure." Erik resumed his seat with a deep exhale.

Now for the attacks that were sure to come. Good thing he had a thick skin.
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