Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: *Nom nom nom*
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Mercer Branxton Ravenclaw Seventh Year
x7 x8
| Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Once again, it was Cassandra's turn, and she stood to face the candidates. They were spirited and passionate, which she appreciated, but some of them were starting to turn on each other. Yes, obviously, the questions from the Ministry and the community were a bit hard hitting, but did the candidates remember that most of them would make it onto the Board and would have to get along with each other?
Cassandra was a mother of five and had no small skill at showing her displeasure with a quick flaring of her nostrils and her hands on her hips. Not that she would employ those tactics on these lovely people... but if they got out of hand in her Boardroom? All bets were off.
Roxanne Carter answered her final question with an air of satisfaction at finally being done... and perhaps a nice dose of honesty in there. So Roxanne wasn't particularly adept at working with a team... but she acknowledged it. "Thank you for your answers today, Ms. Carter. We certainly appreciate your responses."
She also appreciated Corineus' response to the questions about his home abroad. In this age of magical travel, she wasn't sure that Corineus had much to worry about, but at least it appeared he had thought seriously about how to make this new role work for him. "Mr. Vanderbilt, I've been very interested to hear that you chose to attend and review more classes than assigned to you. I'm very interested in your thoughts on what parts of the current curriculum concern you the most, and why?"
Cassandra greatly appreciated Althea Schirmer's grandmother and foundation. It had been a concern of hers that Althea wouldn't have the skill or desire to fill the big shoes left upon the passing of her grandmother, but the young woman took up the role with remarkable dexterity. She would, perhaps, be a boon to the Board. "Professor Schirmer, you're in a unique position on this board, in that you were once a staff member at Hogwarts. Very few of your fellows can claim that distinction. I'm sure you maintain close personal ties with some of the staff members. Do you feel you can keep personal and professional separated?" That was a very polite way of asking after Thea's romantic attachments without being overly prying.
But Althea wasn't the only former professor there today (not counting Cassandra, of course). The young Nolan Reynolds had some very interesting ideas about making the Board available to the students. Cassandra thought her son would like her to be a little less available, which hurt a bit but such was the pain of being a mother. Regardless, his ideas gave her something to gnaw over as she asked him his next question. "Professor Reynolds, what are the specific lessons you take from your time as a professor that would help you as a Governor?"
Say what they would about Erik Vinteren's flip answer from earlier, but he had shown unusual interest in meeting professors and students and attending classes. That level of interest really showed his commitment to Hogwarts, didn't it? Cassandra turned her attention to the man. "Mr. Vinteren, a school is more than just the students and professors. How can we get the Wizarding community involved at Hogwarts?"
And Ivy Knox, who seemed a little prickly to Cassandra, but not unduly so. Any of those getting targeted by their fellows would seem the same. Cassandra gave the woman an encouraging smile, "Ms. Knox, do you think your time with the Athens Wizarding Institute will make you more qualified for a Hogwarts Board of Governor's position? If so, how?" Maybe the woman could offer insight into how her previous position had prepared her for the Board. OOC: You guys can post multiple responses still =) you're doing a fiiine job! *nods*
Also, whoever finishes answering all of their 9 questions (be sure you answered 9!!), can respond to other people's answers now! This means, of course, that everyone should now keep an eye out for questions directed at them from other candidates. Questions:
- For Althea Schirmer: Do you feel you can keep personal and professional separated?
- For Cooper Cope: Do you feel students should have a say in what goes on in their own education or should that be left up to the professionals like yourself?
- For Erik Vinteren: How can we get the Wizarding community involved at Hogwarts?
- For Ivy Knox: Do you think your time with the Athens Wizarding Institute will make you more qualified for a Hogwarts Board of Governor's position? If so, how?
- For Nolan Reynolds: What are the specific lessons you take from your time as a professor that would help you as a Governor?
- For Carter Phillips: What are two things you seen in the school right now that should be changed and why?
- For Sherman Clark: What wisdom and experience can you bring to the board and the younger generation of witches and wizards?
- For Lourdes Black: How committed are you prepared to be to this Board if you are selected, bearing in mind that it may sometimes require you to put the school above all other tasks?
- For Corineus Vanderbilt: Which parts of the current curriculum concern you and why?
- For Andrew Rose: Why have you missed such an important part of applying to be a Governor, the meet and greet and first debate? Were you starting as you mean to go on?
- For Atticus Aldredge: How far are you willing to go to ensure that you receive a position on the Board of Governors? General questions for those who haven't answered as of yet: Q1. Why do you feel you are more qualified for this position than the other candidates?
Q2. If a personal or professional situation arose at the same time as an equally important situation arose in the school, which would you deem more important to attend to first, and why?
Q3. If you were to be elected onto the board, what would you ensure becomes a priority as far as the long term plans of the Board are concerned?
Q4. Do you feel it is important as a board member to work along side of the professors and keep them in the know of everything going on or do you feel the board should be separate?
Q5. Would you consider to be important for a School Governor to be in contact with the students in any way? Why or why not?
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |