Liz's Bestie ● Helvetica ● ● Jigglypuff ● Jeff Vader Quote:
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja He was trying to keep the smile naturally on his face, but each day it got harder to do that. Which probably wasn't a good thing if he was trying to look friendly and all. "For the debate, yes I think I am, it can't be much worse than the possibility of getting dunked because the vote puts you in the bottom three candidates, can it?" A grin appeared on his face, his blue/grey eyes twinkling in laughter "Though I might take you up on that if it gets too bad." Hey, why not a little drama to get things moving around here might not be a bad idea right? Offering his arm to her "Shall we go in?" Aww. Okay then. Maybe she'd cause some mayhem later? Yes, that would keep Law Enforcement on their toes. She knew what they were like; always working and bored if they had nothing to do! "Ooh, ouch. I'd have dunked the person who put me in that position if I were you!" she frowned, shaking her head. No. That was NOT a nice prospect. "I dunno, these things can get pretty intense and gruelling." Becca gave a half shrug. "Just give me a shout if you need a distraction." she grinned, taking his arm. "By all means. This is your show." she nodded to him, letting him lead the way. Yep, she was just there to make sure no one was mean to him and decided to bite early for moral support.
__________________ Yesterday is not ours to recover  But tomorrow is ours to win or lose. |