Erik and friends... and Ella is up for grabs ^_^ Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Ella wasn't entirely sure why she was nervous about this. She wasn't even doing anything significant besides meeting her new employees. It might have been the fact that she was wearing a dress, though. She didn't usually wear dresses. No matter, though, because she was already there.
Walking through the entrance, Ella looked around at those who had arrived so far and smiled at those she knew and those she didn't. She glanced around for a familiar face she would like to see... but he wasn't there quite yet.
- - - - - - - - - - With confidence in her stride, Ivy Knox walked into the Atrium for the first time, taking note of the large statue, while still aware of those around her. Particularly Erik and his manager, who apparently was also 'Norwegian'... Right.
As she walked further, she noticed Erik speaking to Roxanne who was wearing a rather interesting outfit that didn't seem quite appropriate to Ivy. Time to party crash... "Good evening gentlemen, Roxanne," Ivy said, nodding to the men and then her fellow candidate, her hand resting on Erik's arm and a slightly twisted smile on her face. She turned to Ivy again. "I wish you the best of luck tonight. Break a leg." It was a figure of speech in most cases, but Ivy didn't really mind if it just so happened to come true.
Ivy then walked right between Erik and Roxanne and headed off for the buffet. Before she got too far, she turned her head back in Erik's direction and gave him a wink before disappearing through the crowd. |